Generate a long table with complete results of linear regression models
Given a dataframe and a set of dependent and independent variables from that dataframe, it generates a linear regression model for each single dependent variable and creates a new table with all slopes and p-values.
mdl = "lm",
left_cens = NULL,
right_cens = NULL,
var_perc = FALSE,
base = exp(1),
filter_sign = FALSE,
pcutoff = 0.05,
cutPval = FALSE
- df
a dataframe.
- dep
a character vector. Each element must correspond to a column name of the df, each of which must contain numeric values.
- form_ind
character vector of length 1. Write here the part of the formual of the linear model the ~ (for example: for the linear model dependent ~ independent1 + independent2 + independent3, you should pass here: "independent1 + independent2 + independent3").
- mdl
one of the following: "lm", "lmer", or "tobit". For linear model with fixed effects choose "lm" (it uses the function lm); for linear model with mixed effects choose "lmer" (function lmer of the lmerTest package); for linear model with censored variable choose "tobit" (function tobit of the AER package)
- left_cens
NULL or a named numeric vector. If mdl is "tobit", indicate here the left-censored values (e.g.: the limit of detection values). In particular, this argument should be set to NULL (no left-censored values) or a named numeric vector whose names must correspond to variables passed in dep.
- right_cens
NULL or a named numeric vector. If mdl is "tobit", indicate here the right-censored values (e.g.: the upper limit of detection values). In particular, this argument should be set to NULL (no right-censored values) or a named numeric vector whose names must correspond to variables passed in dep.
- var_perc
logical. Besides the beta slopes, do you also want to know the variation percentage? (if so, please, ensure your data are log-transformormed and scaled; consider using the function data_transf of the present package to do this). The variation percentage is calculated as follow: (((base^beta)-1)*100).
- base
numerical of length one. If var_perc is TRUE, it is the base of the logarithm used to log-transform the dependent variables.
logical. If TRUE, after performing the ANOVA, it also correct p-values across the different variables with a false discovery rate multiple comparison correction (method "fdr" of the function p.adjust).
- filter_sign
logical. If TRUE, the table will be filtered and only the p-values lower than the value specified in pcutoff will be considered.
- pcutoff
a numeric of length 1, must be between 0 and 1. If filter_sign is TRUE, cut-off value of the p-values.
- cutPval
logical. If TRUE, it cut the p-values using the cutP function of the present package.