Generate a Volcano plot from the table of linear regression models
Given a table generated with the function gentab_lm_long, it create a Volcano plot.
- tab
a dataframe created with the function gentab_lm_long.
- ind_main
character of length 1. The independent variable to visualise in the Volcano plot. Important: for factor variables, it must me the name of the factor and the name of the level combined without space. e.g.: if the variable is "Sex" and the level is "Female", you must pass here "SexFemale".
- x_values
character of length 1. The name of the column in tab containing the value to plot as x.
- y_values
character of length 1. The name of the column in tab containing the value to plot as y.
- dep_cat
logical. Do you want to color the dependent variable based on a certain category?
- category
character of length 1. If dep_cat is TRUE, pass here the name of the column in tab that contains the categorisation.
- cut_off_names
numerical of length 1. Names of dependent variables will be shown only if above this cut-off.
- line1
logical. Do you want to show a horizontal dotted line?
- line1_position
numerical of length 1. If line1 is TRUE, pass here the value of the dotted line.
- line2
logical. Do you want to show a second horizontal dotted line?
- line2_position
numerical of length 1. If line2 is TRUE, pass here the value of the second dotted line.